Monday, April 7, 2014

I think I can, I think I can...

One of my favorite books that I read to my kids when they were little was The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper. It is very easy to relate to the Little Blue Engine because it was not afraid to try and was able to accomplish his goal. With a little over 60 days left until Kansas 70.3, self doubt has started creeping into my mind during several of training workouts. I'm trying very hard not to let the what if's, I can'ts and I don't wanna do this anymore voices running through my head discourage me.

Typical Mondays include strength training in the morning followed by a bike ride late afternoon. This past Monday, I really struggled with my strength workout. I don't think I will ever be able to pinpoint why I had such a rough time. Maybe it was the wicked wind? Maybe it was fatigue? Maybe it is burn out? But as Jackie say's "if it was easy, everyone would be doing it".

The peaks are my runs in the sand. The lows are pulling the sled,
 flipping poles and attempting to push flip the tires

This is me running with a weighted sled

This brings me to the XL tires (pictured above). Part of my workout consisted of 8 x (2 pushing to flip the XL tires). Though, I think I can, I think I can was running through my head, my arms and legs sliding in the sand were saying, You can't, You can't. Of my 16 attempts I was able to push and flip the tire once. My trainer, Spence of Warhorse Training, had to assist me the other 15 times.

Here's video of clip of one of 15 failed attempts:

So why did I share this? First, I was using incorrect form. Second, over the last 3+months, I've learned to accept that there will be training sessions that do not turn out the way I want it to. However, I just have to continue to train knowing that everything that I am doing now is taking me one step closer to the finish line. I need to erase the self doubt in my head.  Because, on June 8th, "I think I can, I think I can" will be I DID complete Kansas 70.3!

1 comment:

  1. You rock Van! I know you will be successful at that tire...practice and your positive attitude will take you all the way!
